Identity, Divergence +

Deviating from “Normal”

I specialize in working with folks whose experience and identity markedly diverges from “normative” culture. You might struggle to reconcile who you really are with historically problematic input from the world at large. This can result in internalized shame and a harsh inner critic that can adversely affect childhood/adolescence, and persist long into adulthood.

*Sometimes these differences overlap with disability, but not always. (As a person who stutters, it took me a long time to acknowledge this as a disability, because of stigma and its invisibility.)

People living with neurological disorders that affect their communication — people who stutter or have Tourette’s or other speech/language/motor disorders — and folks living with ADHD and other learning disabilities may identify as neurodivergent and relate to the isolation of moving through the world with a seemingly “invisible” difference.

However, I also work with members of the LGBTQIA+ community (among other stigmatized groups) who share a similar desire to live authentically as they are, have hidden or are still hiding parts of themselves, and don’t want to be invisible to feel acceptable.

If you are struggling to embrace your authentic self or don’t know who that is or how to go about finding them, know that you are in the right place.

I can help you to face and explore the things that have blocked you from authenticity, even if they feel insurmountable. One of the hardest things you’ll ever do is to be yourself, but I can tell you it is worth it, possible, and part of your purpose.